The Gannet's Gastronomic Miscellany

Author: Killian Fox

Stock information

General Fields

  • : $20.00 AUD
  • : 9781784723996
  • : Octopus Publishing Group
  • : Mitchell Beazley
  • :
  • : 0.284
  • : 28 February 2018
  • : 19.99
  • : 01 July 2017
  • :
  • :
  • : books

Special Fields

  • : Killian Fox
  • :
  • : Hardcover
  • : 1712
  • :
  • : English
  • : 192
  • :
  • :
  • :
  • :
  • :
Barcode 9781784723996


'This book is the product of a ludicrously obsessive and greedy mind - it is therefore an utter joy.' - JAY RAYNER'A vital work from a keen mind full to brimming with wonderful thoughts and ideas.' - JEREMY LEE'The most original, entertaining and downright fascinating book.' - DAVE BROOM'Exercise caution before you buy this book. In fact, be careful about even flipping it open. You think Instagram is addictive? Ha. This book is as essential and educational as it is delightful and weird, and I need someone to come rescue me immediately because I cannot seem to put the damn thing down.' - JEFF GORDINIER, FOOD & DRINKS EDITOR, ESQUIRE MAGAZINE'Perfect for the culinarily curious.' - DIANA HENRYgannetnoun1. a large seabird with mainly white plumage, which catches fish by plunging into the water.2. British informal, a greedy person.The Gannet's Gastronomic Miscellany goes beyond the usual food fixations. Presented in a fresh, visually inventive style, it will appeal to anyone with a passing interest in food - which, in this gastronomy-obsessed age, is pretty much all of us.In this compendious hotpot of a book you'll find a guide to creating a hit food profile on Instagram, a cross-section of a tiffin box, an explainer on craft beer, the origin story of Chicken Marengo, a list of millennia-old products that are still edible today (should you be brave enough to try Irish bog butter or Ancient Egyptian honey) and many more delightful nuggets of information.

Author description

Killian Fox (Author) Killian Fox grew up in northwest Ireland and livesin London. He is the editor and co-founder of The Gannet, which acts as a conduit for his shameless nosiness about other people's eating habits. A regular contributor to the Observer Food Monthly, he has also written for the Guardian, The Times and the New Statesman, covering music, film, literature, travel and technology as well as food. He'd call himself an omnivore were it not for a lingering fear of boiled eggs.The Gannet (Author) Founded in February 2015, The Gannet is an online magazine that explores people's lives through the food they cook and eat. It is based in London but The Gannet team travels widely, seeking out food obsessives in Paris, Sweden, New Orleans, Ireland, Mexico City and beyond. Find out more on Twitter @gannetmag, Instagram @the_gannet and at